Maintain your 340B status

HRSA is now performing 340B compliance audits and covered entities may lose their 340B status if they are not compliant with the overall stewardship of the program for which it was intended.

ACE can perform an independent third party 340B compliance audit. The ACE audit would be performed on-site and remotely by a qualified and certified ACE audit team including pharmacists, analysts and specialists in pharmacy benefits. The evaluation report would prepare a covered entity for an actual HRSA audit and indicate areas to be addressed which may compromise the covered entities’ participation in the 340B program.

HRSA remains committed to the integrity of the 340B program, including preventing the diversion of covered drugs to non-qualified patients and preventing drugs from being subject to duplicate discounts under both the 340B program and Medicaid rebate program. The final notice now requires, rather than suggests as in the proposed version, that the following provisions be addressed:

  • Ship to, bill to procedure
  • Patient eligibility verification
  • Prescriber eligibility verification
  • Comprehensive pharmacy services
  • Tracking system
  • Arrangement to prevent duplicate discounts
  • Audits
  • Certification of contract pharmacy compliance
  • Response in the event of diversion or duplicate discounts
  • Re-certification process for covered entities

Benefits of choosing us as your 340B pharmacy solutions partner

Our 340B HRSA audit prep solutions determine:
  • Whether the program was implemented in accordance with the requirements of the 340B program, HRSA guidance, and
  • The effectiveness of the procedures in place over procurement, inventory, distribution, dispensing and billing of 340B drugs.

Get in touch with us to maintain your 340B status

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