The U.S.’ government agencies have been extremely proactive in their funding of and response to the pandemic through their respective programs. In its response to the pandemic, Health Resources and Services Administration “(HRSA)” – the governing body of the 340B pharmacy program – “is allowing some covered entities, upon request and review, to enroll in the 340B Program” on a weekly basis in addition to its normal quarterly basis.
If you’ve requested to be a part of the 340B Program, click here for the supplemental Medicaid Exclusion File (MEF), or the weekly updated list of covered entities that are now approved for the 340B Program. The list is updated every Friday.
There are several benefits to participating in the 340B Program. For starters, “manufacturers [that are] participating in Medicaid agree to provide outpatient drugs to covered entities (CEs) at significantly reduced prices.” The 340B Pharmacy Program allows covered CEs to stretch limited resources, while providing medication to those that would otherwise not be able to afford medication, to better serve their patient population, especially the underserved and uninsured. The program, if utilized properly, can allow facilities to provide their patient base with better patient care through otherwise unavailable additional services, while increasing their revenue and paving the way toward financial independence.
Click here for more detailed information about the 340B Program and here for the updated COVID-19 resources page.
We can help you determine if you meet the requirements for the 340B Program. If so, we can assist you with your enrollment in the program, develop an in-house 340B Pharmacy and/or partner with the appropriate contract pharmacies for your patient base and help you maintain your 340B Pharmacy Program and 340B Pharmacy status.