Obtaining financial independence through dentistry

Community health centers are established to take care of every aspect of health from primary care and specialties to dental and dental specialties, including orthodontics, endodontics and periodontology. Interestingly, most patients perceive dental health to be more important than any other avenue of healthcare. The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) predicted that 1 in 12 patients (29 million people) would utilize a community health center in 2020. According to the American Dental Association, “In 2009, there were 1,131 health centers and about 75 percent of [them] provided on-site dental services.”

Dental services complement healthcare. For example, pediatric dentistry may help prevent childhood obesity.

Smart practice expansion is an avenue that will work to help you achieve financial independence. The key to smart practice expansion is understanding your patient base, their needs and meeting them where they are. If you want them to utilize the dentist on-site, is the location convenient to where they live, or can they make the appointment for the same day of their other appointment(s)? If not, do you have dental contracts that allow you to be reimbursed/paid if they go to their preferred dentist, endodontist, periodontist or orthodontist?

If you don’t have a dentist or dental specialist on-site or a contract written with one, we can help! Our services include helping you find practices in your area, negotiating with them and writing a contract with them that work to increase their patient base while taking care of your patient base.

Let's talk about your patient base and how we can assist you with their dental needs.

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