The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released two reports in November 2019. The reports compare health issues between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas from 2010-2017. The research found that the gap in the percentages of preventable deaths between rural and urban counties widened over the eight year study period for cancer, heart disease and chronic lower respiratory disease, remained relatively stable for stroke and decreased for unintentional injuries.
Today, health centers provide more preventative services than other primary care providers and have expanded the types of services available to patients. Is your facility a one-stop-shop where patients can see their primary care physician and their specialist – pulmonology, oncology, infectious disease, cardiology, psychiatry – get their blood drawn and their prescription filled without leaving the building? According to the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), 1 in 12 patients will utilize a community health center in 2020. Do you help them get to the facility, have the appropriate provider for their issue or treat them remotely through telehealth?
We understand that providing quality patient care is sometimes easier said than done. Our experts can help you analyze your patient population to provide it the best care.