Xspire is refunding 340B prescription drugs!

Calling all facilities that dispense 340B pharmacy drugs! Did you receive HRSA’s email reminder that compiled all of 2019’s updated policies and included information about 340B pharmacy.

Click here to ensure you’re updated with HRSA’s policies.

Where do your 340B drugs come from? HRSA recently audited Xspire’s participation in the 340B program. Both parties concluded that Xspire did not offer the required 340B ceiling prices for its covered outpatient drugs from 8/1/2012 to 8/1/2019. Xspire is requesting that any 340B covered entity that purchased its drugs during that time frame submit the appropriate requests, as defined, for a refund by 3/31/2020. Click here for more information about the audit and what you need to do for Xspire’s refunds.

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